BoneHead Bamboo Lined Barrier Mask

I was asked to make these for my family in March when COVID broke out, as my stepfather is very high risk. So many of YOU have asked for them, here they are! I am selling and donating and devoting the month of April to making these. The petwear shop will be back open on MAY 15. To date we have shipped almost 600!

Fully lined in bamboo filter fabric to fight bacteria, THEY ARE NOT MEDICAL GRADE but will provide a soft 4 layer barrier on your face which is what the CDC and many states are asking us to wear when out. They also reminds you to NOT touch your face!
The face is high quality quilters cotton interfaced for stability and frequent washing.

Two sizes available. More prints in the shop.

Metal nose piece for adjusting, elastic ear loops. If you prefer a head loop and toggle, let me know.
Please stay safe everyone, and thank you for supporting my small business.
DTYF™ Don't Touch Your Face
2 PIECE LIMIT per customer, please! This allows everyone to get one.

Regular size fits most women.
XL is a little longer on the face with slightly longer ear loops and fits most men.
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